1. | Yoneda H et al., Reproducibility of cerebral blood flow assessment using a quantitative SPECT reconstruction program and split-dose (123)I-iodoamphetamine in institutions with different γ-cameras and collimators. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, In press, 2012 (QSPECT/DTARG法の施設間の再現性を確認) |
2. | 飯田秀博他 動脈血中分配係数とWell計測装置のクロスキャリブレーションによる入力関数推定の有効性―非侵襲的IMP脳血流測定法(QSPECT- DTARG法, ARG法)への応用 核医学 49:49-58, 2012 (QSPECT/DTARG法の無採血定量化とTTAC解析法の紹介) |
3. | Iida H et al. Multicenter evaluation of a standardized protocol for rest and acetazolamide CBF assessment using quantitative SPECT reconstruction program and split-dose 123I-IMP. J Nucl Med Vol.51; 1624-1631, 2010 (QSPECT Dual Table ARG法マルチセンター論文) |
4. | 飯田秀博ら SPECTを使った脳機能画像の定量化と標準化 脳神経外科ジャーナル 16(10):742-752, 2007 (Dual Table ARG法の妥当性について) |
5. | Kim KM et al. Quantitative mapping of basal and vasareactive cerebral blood flow using split-dose 123I-iodoamphetamine and single photon emission computed tomography. Neuroimage 33(4):1126 -1135, 2006 (Dual Table ARG法オリジナル論文) |
1. | Fujita M, Ichinose M, van Dyck CH, Zoghbi SS, Tamagnan G, Mukhin AG, Bozkurt A, Seneca N, Tipre D, DeNucci C, Iida H, Vaupel B, Horti AG, Koren AO, Kimes AS, London KE, Seibyl JP, Baldwin RM, Innis RB. Quantification of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in human brain using [123I]5-I-A-85380. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging; 30:1620-1629, 2003 (アセチルコリン受容体機能の定量化) |
2. | Kim KM, Varrone A, Watabe H, Shidahara M, Fujita H, Innis RB and Iida H. Contribution of scatter and attenuation compensation to SPECT images of nonuniformly distributed brain activities. J Nucl Med 44:512-519,2003. (散乱線補正の脳123I神経受容体検査に与える効果) |
3. | Fujita M, Varrone A, Kim KM, Watabe H, Zoghbi SS, Seneca N, Tipre D, Seibyl JP, Innis RB, Iida H. Effect of scatter correction on the compartmental measurement of striatal and extrastriatal dopamine D2 receptors using [123I]epidepride SPET. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 31:644-654, 2004 (ドーパミンD2受容体機能の定量化) |
4. | Fujita M, Ichise M, Soghbi SS, Liow J-S, Ghose S, Vines D, Sangare J, Lu J-Q, Cropley VL, Iida H, Kim KM, Chohen RM, Bara-Jimenez W, Ravina B, Innis RB. Widespread decrease of nicotinic acetylchline receptors in Parkinson’s Disease. Ann Neurol 59(1): 174-177, 2006 (パーキンソン病におけるアセチルコリン受容体機能の変化) |
1. | Iida H, Eberl S, Kim KM, Tamura Y, Ono Y, Nakazawa M, Sohlberg A, Zeniya T, Hayashi T, Watabe H. Absolute quantitation of myocardial blood flow with 201Tl and dynamic SPECT in canine: optimisation and validation of kinetic modelling. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 35:896-905, 2008 (心筋201Tl を用いた心筋血流解析の正当性) |
2. | Iida H, Shoji Y, Sugawara S, KinoshitaT, TamuraY, Narita Y and Eberl S. Design and Experimental validation of a Quantitative myocardial 201Tl SPECT System. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 46:720-726,1999. (心筋201Tl検査における正当性と効果) |
3. | Iida H, Narita Y, Kado H, Kashikura A, Sugawara S, Shoji Y, Kinoshita T, Ogawa T and Eberl S. Effects of scatter and attenuation correction on quantitative assessment of regional cerebral blood flow with SPECT. J Nucl Med 39:181-189,1998 (脳123I-IMP検査における正当性と効果) |
4. | Iida H et al. Quantification in SPECT cardiac imaging. J Nucl Med 44(1): 40-42, 2003 (心筋SPECT定量について) |
5. | Iida H and Eberl S. Quantitative assessment of regional myocardial blood flow with thallium- 201 and SPECT. J Nucl Cardiol;5:313-331,1998. (心筋201Tl検査における定量化の戦略と効果のレビュー) |
1. | Narita Y, Eberl S, Iida H, Hutton BF, Braun M, Nakamura T and Bautovich G. Monte Carlo and experimental evaluation of accuracy and noise properties of two scatter correction methods for SPECT. Phys Med Biol 41:2481-2496,1996. (TDCS散乱線補正法を99mTcに最適化) |
2. | Narita Y, Iida H, Eberl S and Nakamura T. Monte Carlo evaluation of accuracy and noise properties of two scatter correction methods for 201Tl cardiac SPECT. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 44:2465-2472,1997. (TDCS散乱線補正法を201Tlに最適化) |
3. | Ito H, Iida H, Kinoshita T, Hatazawa J, Okudera T and Uemura K. Effects of scatter correction on regional distribution of cerebral blood flow using I-123-IMP and SPECT. Ann Nucl Med 13:331-336,1999. (散乱線補正の脳123I-IMP検査に与える効果) |
4. | Kim KM, Watabe H, Shidahara M, Ishida Y and Iida H. SPECT Collimator Dependency of Scatter and Validation of Transmission-Dependent Scatter Compensation Methodologies. IEEE Trans Med Image 48:689-696,2001. (123Iを用いたSPECT検査におけるTDCS散乱線補正パラメータの最適化) |
5. | Shidahara M, Watabe H, Kim KM, Hachiya T, Sayama I, Kanno I and Iida H. Impact of attenuation and scatter correction in SPECT for Quantification of cerebral blood flow using 99mTc-Ethyl cystenate dimer. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 49:5-11,2002. (散乱線補正の99mTc-脳血流検査に与える効果) |
1. | Iida H, Ito H, Munaka M, Bloomfield PM, Higano S, Murakami M, Inugami A, Eberl S, Aizawa Y, Kanno I and Uemura K. A clinical method to quantitative CBF using a rotating gamma camera and I-123 amphetamine (IMP) with one blood sampling. Euro J Nucl Med 21:1072-1084,1994. (2回SPECT検査に基づく脳血流の定量法、TLU法) |
2. | Iida H, Itoh H, Nakazawa M, Hatazawa J, Nishimura H, Onishi Y and Uemura K. Quantitative mapping of regional cerebral blood flow using iodine-123-IMP and SPECT. J Nucl Med 35:2019-2030,1994. (1回SPECT検査に基づく脳血流の定量法、IMPARG法) |
3. | Hatazawa J, Fujita H, Kanno I, Satoh T, Iida H, Miura S, Murakami M, Okudera T, Inugami A, Ogawa T, Shimosegawa E, Noguchi K, Shoji Y and Uemura K. Regional cerebral blood flow, blood volume, oxygen extraction fraction, and oxygen utilization rate in normal volunteers measured by the autoradiographic technique and the single breath inhalation method. Ann Nucl Med 9:15-21,1995. (PETを用いた脳血流量値の正常値) |
4. | Ito H, Ishii K, Atsumi H, Kinoshita T, Kawashima R, Ono S, Yoshioka S, Iida H, Uemura K and Fukuda H. Error analysis of Table Look-Up method for cerebral blood flow measurement by 123I-IMP brain SPECT: Comparison with conventional microsphere model method. Ann Nucl Med 9:75-80,1995. (IMPARG法と従来法との比較) |
5. | Yokoi T, Iida H and Kanno I. A comparative study of three fast algorithms to estimate cerebral blood flow and distribution volume using N-isopropyl-p-[123I]iodoamphetamine and two SPECT scans. Phys Med Biol 40:1499-515,1995. (IMP 2回SPECT撮像法の方法論の最適化) |
6. | Iida H, Akutsu T, Endo K, Fukuda H, Inoue T, Ito H, Koga S, Komatani A, Kuwabara Y, Momose T, Nishizawa S, Odano I, Ohkubo M, Sasaki Y, Suzuki H, Tanada S, Toyama H, Yonekura Y, Yoshida T and Uemura K. A multicenter validation of regional cerebral blood flow quantitation using [123I]iodoamphetamine and single photon emission computed tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 16:781-793,1996. (IMPARG法の多施設評価) |
7. | Hatazawa J, Iida H, Shimosegawa E, Sato T, Murakami M and Miura Y. Regional cerebral blood flow measurement with iodine-123-IMP autoradiography: normal values, reproducibility and sensitivity to hypoperfusion. J Nucl Med 38:1102-1108,1997. (IMPARG法の正常値と脳虚血性疾患への応用) |
1. | 松本政典、古嶋昭博、勝田 昇他;ガンマカメライメージングにおける数え落としの発生に関する研究。医学物理学第20巻;Sup.4,316-319,2000 (高エネルギーガンマ線による数え落としの問題) |